Jordan Shoulder, an IT worker originally from England, fell head over heels for his American wife. They were living in Spain when they got the joyful news that they were going to have twin baby girls. “We knew we would need help with the babies,” so Jordan found a house in Illinois right by his wife’s parents. They felt very lucky to start this new chapter.
In April, however, the whole family came down with the flu. Everybody was getting better, except Jordan.
“One day, I walked around the block for lunch break, and I was coughing and struggling to walk.”
Jordan went straight to urgent care where they diagnosed him with pneumonia and an extremely low blood oxygen level. They sent him to the ER immediately, worrying that he might have a stroke in his condition. Jordan needed to stay in the hospital for two nights to stabilize.
While Jordan had no personal experience with the American medical system, he knew that things were very expensive.
“I get very anxious about money in general, since I am the only breadwinner. Before I even went into the hospital, I thought that this could ruin me financially.” The family had used all their savings to buy their house.
“When I got the bill for $19,000, my jaw dropped to the floor!” Unlike many, Jordan was lucky to have insurance which brought the bill down to $3500. But it was still out of reach for his family of four with their mortgage and living expenses.
“If I had to pay hundreds per month, a lot of sacrifices would be made. Maybe I would have had to go into credit card debt.”
While the hospital didn’t tell Jordan about financial assistance, he still wondered if there was a program out there that could help. Sure enough, he found out about Dollar For on Reddit.
“I thought, ‘What have I got to lose?’ I filled out my form in a few minutes and found out I was eligible right away. In two to three weeks, I got an 80% reduction. My bill was down to $677.00.”
Jordan and his wife were really relieved. “It seemed too good to be true…you fill out the form and you get your bill reduced…but I filled it out and that’s what happened!”
Jordan added, “It was extremely easy to work with Dollar For. They genuinely seemed to want people to succeed and know about bills being reduced.”
Jordan’s advice is to look for help on your bill before paying it. Taking a few minutes to fill out the form can change everything.
“I’m glad to share the help. I’m thankful such an organization exists and there are people who are willing to help.”
Three weeks after leaving the hospital, Jordan was out playing soccer again. Or, as he calls it, being from Britain, “football.’