Dollar For helps you apply for financial assistance from your hospital. We don’t pay your bills — we get the hospital to forgive them.
Our services are completely free
We are 100% funded by generous donors.

1. See if you qualify, then fill out our patient form.
Use our quick screening tool to check if you are eligible for financial assistance at your hospital.
Who Qualifies?
These examples show who might qualify for a discount. Every hospital policy is different. Your hospital may be more or less generous. See if you qualify.

Household of 1 making $50,000

Household of 2 making $68,000

Household of 3 making $85,000

Household of 4 making $103,000
* On average in 2025, households under 204% of the Federal Poverty Level will qualify for free care, and families under 322% will qualify for discounted care. These averages are derived from Dollar For’s national database of hospital financial assistance policies.
If eligible for charity care, you’ll need to complete our 15 minute patient form. Your answers will give us all the information we need to help you. We’ll also ask you to upload your recent pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements. Don’t worry — Dollar For won’t share this data with anyone except the hospital.

2. We’ll prepare your application for you and send it to the hospital.
Once we get your info, we’ll prepare your hospital application and submit it within 1–3 weeks. We’ll handle mailing, emailing, or faxing it to the hospital so that you don’t have to.

3. We work with you and the hospital to get you debt relief.
Once your application has been submitted, the waiting game begins. We will email and text you to check in and give you tips on following up with the hospital. If needed, Dollar For helps you submit additional documents to the hospital and prepare an appeal. Please make sure to tell us what you hear from the hospital so that we can help!
Most hospitals review applications within 3–8 weeks. That means you are only a few weeks away from debt relief.