A retired Colorado teacher avoids a “lifetime” of payments for carpal tunnel surgery.
An Illinois grocery worker on disability can stop worrying about medical debt and payment plans.
Freed from hospital debt, a Philadelphia student can focus on taking care of her health.
A recent high-school grad in Oregon starts building financial stability, free from medical debt.
An “overwhelmed”’ Ohio woman learns that charity care really does work.
A young Wisconsin man learned to try charity care before borrowing to pay medical bills.
A California retiree got help with bills that Medicare doesn’t cover.
A Texas teacher can finally sleep, after treatment for long-term insomnia and help from Dollar For.
Persistence pays off for an Illinois man billed for a year-ago ER visit.
After losing her sister to COVID-19, a New York woman finds some relief in her medical debt reduction.
Facing a big hospital bill just after retiring, a Houston man learns about charity care – and gets a refund.
This California dad got a big bill even with insurance. Dollar For crushed it.